Year 5 – Mrs Callaghan -

Year News

Year Learning Challenges
Year News
Welcome to year 5; Mrs Callaghan
Mrs Blyth, Miss Southall , Miss Gamble , Miss Harris
We are looking forward to an exceptional start to the Autumn term, we will be doing lots of exciting topics and activities. We have very high standards and Y5 have lots of learning challenge opportunities to develop their skills and resilience . We are sure these standards will continue throughout the year. We will be developing great classroom ethics, which will help the children to settle into routines. This will also support their development socially and emotionally.
Our learning challenge is to research ‘The Rain Forest’ & ‘Victorians’.
The children will understand how important the Victorians were, they had great inventions. We will also discover how important it is to save the Rain Forest and I am sure we will have fun listening to the sounds of the Forest.
In science, the children will be learning about Life & Forces. The children will carry out practical experiments and have lots of fun, particularly when we do the ‘Water Force’ experiment!
Year Learning Challenges

Year Events

Year Gallery
Year Events
The Term Dates are: Autumn Term 1A - September 4th to October 25th, Autumn Term 1B - November 4th to December 20th, Spring Term 2A January 6th to February 21st, Spring Term 2B - March 3rd to April 11th, Summer Term 3A - May 6th to May 23rd, and Summer Term 3B - June 2nd to July 18th