Year 3 – Mrs McNeil -

Year News

Year Learning Challenges
Year News
Welcome to Y3Mc!
This year in Y3Mc, your child will be welcomed and supported by; Mrs McNeill, Mrs Crossley, Miss Hamilton, Miss Menzies
The Stone Age is our 1st topic of learning, where your child will explore and create life as a Stone age person. This will include; cave drawings, homesteads, tools and hunting. We are hoping to try Stone Age style food along the way.
‘What makes the world angry’ is our 2nd topic after the half term holiday. Your children will explore everything about volcanoes, earth quakes, thunder and lightning. They will even get the chance to make their very own volcano.
As a class we are aiming to go on trips to help with our learning, but these are still to be arranged.
Y3Mc teachers are really looking forward to this exciting term with your child, and can’t wait to watch your child grow and develop.
Year Learning Challenges

Year Events

Year Gallery
Year Events
The Term Dates are: Autumn Term 1A - September 4th to October 25th, Autumn Term 1B - November 4th to December 20th, Spring Term 2A January 6th to February 21st, Spring Term 2B - March 3rd to April 11th, Summer Term 3A - May 6th to May 23rd, Summer Term 3B - June 2nd to July 18th