Year 4 – Miss Horne -

Year News

Year Learning Challenges
Year News
Welcome to year 4
Your Teachers and teaching assistants are; Miss Horne, Mrs Hurst, Miss Brown and Miss Dobson
We are looking forward to an exceptional start to the Autumn term and welcoming a lovely new class. We have high standards in Y4 with lots of learning challenge opportunities to develop new skills and resilience. Our Learning challenge this half term will be Romans.
We are excited to get started and have a great year together in our ever growing Holmwood family!
Year Learning Challenges

Year Events

Year Gallery
Year Events
The Term Dates are: Autumn Term 1A - September 4th to October 25th, Autumn Term 1B - November 4th to December 20th, Spring Term 2A January 6th to February 21st, Spring Term 2B - March 3rd to April 11th, Summer Term 3A - May 6th to May 23rd, and Summer Term 3B - June 2nd to July 18th